Larson Realty Group honors the company's extraordinary late Chairman, Robert C. Larson. Robert Larson's lifetime involvement and dedication to the community are the basis of theRobert C. Larson Legacy Initiatives. Continuing a Larson family philanthropic tradition, a number of non-profit resources have been dedicated in recognition of our work and as a tribute to his memory. Making a positive difference in the world is what mattered most to Robert Larson—and his generosity of spirit will be carried forward. These initiatives bearing the Larson name and spirit will help to build communities, spur economic growth and revitalization, and develop human capital.
Established in 2009, CISF facilitates economic development and investment by providing leveraged capital to communities and organizations in the non-profit sector. The Fund will help to increase access to the New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) program, which offers millions of dollars in economic development capital for investments in low-income communities. The federal tax credit afforded by the program will attract equity to bridge financing gaps that often prevent community revitalization and economic redevelopment efforts in urban areas, such as Detroit, from succeeding. Through its utilization of the NMTC program, CISF will be able to serve non-profits, for-profits and other entities in ways not possible through conventional financing.
Robert C. Larson was a longtime member of the Urban Land Institute and served as ULI Foundation Chairman from 2000-2004. His leadership championed new ways to address pressing issues facing the industry and urban areas, and to more closely engage ULI members and the public. Larson giving initiatives served as a catalyst for the establishment of many successful programs including those aimed at workforce housing, infrastructure and sustainability issues.
Larson endowed the ULI Robert C. Larson Forum on the Future of Cities in 2001, which he envisioned as an information exchange by an interdisciplinary group of planning, design and development experts to stretch ULI’s reach into new land use issues
The Robert C. Larson Workforce Housing Public Policy Awards
As part of the Terwilliger Center’s Jack Kemp Workforce Housing Models of Excellence Awards, this award recognizes innovative public policies and practices for the development of workforce housing. These awards acknowledge exemplary state and local efforts to provide ongoing and sustainable support for the production, rehabilitation or preservation of workforce housing—as well as emerging state and local programs and policies that have the potential to significantly expand workforce housing opportunities over time.
Workforce housing is targeted to moderate-income families earning between 60 and 120 percent of the area median income (AMI) in higher cost areas. Such housing (home ownership or rental) is for people who earn too much to qualify for traditional housing assistance, but who do not earn enough for market-rate housing.
The Larson International Fellowship was established in 1986 by grants to Carleton from Robert '56, John '60 and David '63, in memory of their parents, Frances W. and Eugene Larson. Both Frances and Eugene had a deep interest in Carleton and were champions of international understanding and involvement. Awarded annually, Larson International Fellowships provide a significant international experience for students with strong leadership potential.